So, I want to try and start a trend for myself. Post tens things that happened during the week as a recap. We'll start today! Woo hoo!
1. First things first, I want to wish everyone a happy Second Rapture. I was watching the already snarky comments show up on Twitter this morning and it always makes me giggle. First the one in May, and now this one. I survived the one in May, and plan to survive this one. Just means we get an after party tomorrow.
2. I apparently went a little crazy last night. If you follow my Twitter you may have seen it. Basically what happened was I was reading through other people's blogs that I follow. I noticed a trend. People use Blogger and rarely Wordpress. Am I doing it wrong? Well, of course I freak out at stupid things so asked Twitter for their response. My wonderful SIL The Auto Momma (go follow her fun blog!) suggested Blogger. But I dunno yet. So in the midst of my crazy I decided to set up a Blogger one that will mirror my Wordpress one. Now I have two blogs to maintain when I have issues with just one. See: Crazy.
3. So, for the writer's conference preparation I decided that, like a lot of others suggested, to get simple business cards made with my name, contact information and social media names. (This may be a reason I didn't just decide on one blog -- the business cards have the Wordpress blog). They arrived the other day and it gave me a little thrill to see my name on a card that I will hopefully be handing out to people that I network with at the blog. Other writers, possibly agents, editors, whomever. I want to start networking and that will be my biggest first step to getting my name out there.
4. As for the writing thing. I decided that I am basically going to toss what I had written before and start over. Well, kind of. I have been doing a lot of plotting and I am changing things up, I think Aislynn is happy with the changes because her voice seems to be flowing better when I sit down and write.
5. Plotting is hard. I have always been the classic "Pantser" and never really plotted anything. Just wrote what came to me. I decided that since I was basically stuck on Aislynn to try and plot it out. To divide the chapters so they were shorter (basically one or two scenes for the chapters instead of a bunch) so that it flowed better. Haven't done the complete plot outline but I have a good start and I pretty much know where it is going to end up.
6. Research. Again, hard. I'm not a good researcher, and if I want to keep accurate in my writing I know that I need to become a good researcher. It always bursts my bubble when I see writers talk about how excited they are to research. Then it lifts me back up when I see the ones that aren't. I know I'm not alone and knowing that makes it easier. I need to get on to it.
7. Life. I know this is a writing blog, but sometimes life butts itself into the conversation. I love my life. I love my husband, our kids, and I sometimes like my day job (even though it takes away from my writing time). The Hubs and I decided about a month ago that we are going to try and move out of our current place to a new one. I'm excited. It's bigger and not much more out of the pocket -- I'll like having the extra space and the extra bedroom so the girls can at least be a little more separate. Life is good, I'm a happy gal.
8. Family. I have the most amazing family. So encouraging and helpful on this journey that I am trying to commit myself to. I just want to say thanks to you all for all you do and help me with, though I know that some of you don't read this and some of you do, I hope I tell you guys "Thanks" enough.
9. The Neurotic Cat. So, Isis. Our wonderful cat that talks to us and acts more like a dog then an actual cat. She's crazy. From her fear of the outdoors and strangers, to her disinterest in her food (I can not count the amount of times I have had to change the brand of food she eats because she stops liking it -- similar to a toddlers attitude toward food -- maybe she's a kid and not an animal at all), to her hyper bolting and knocking over things, and her obsession with cardboard (boxes, paper towel rolls, etc) and plastic. I love her dearly but I cannot tell you how much I sometimes want to put her in a box and see if she'll eat herself out of it.
10. Hmm. Not sure what I have to say for ten. I think I'll just end with a have a good weekend!
Cara Mia Amore
I've tried Wordpress but by far prefer Blogger. Blogger just LOOKS better to me: more friendly, plenty of things to fiddle with and change to make it personal. I think Wordpress looks quite old fashioned... but that's just me!